100 Followers, now what?

Lina Kassem
3 min readSep 26, 2021


turns out Medium is not that easy

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

I was so happy to reach my first 100 followers in less than 24 hours that I wrote a post about it, but now what?

Once I had two published posts, I applied to Medium’s Partner Program, but guess what? I am not located in one of the countries on Medium’s list, so I was not accepted.

Partner Program is only available for some countries

Like any writer, I wanted to get rewarded, because why not? But unfortunately, as with many other social media platforms, the support programs for content creators are only available to certain Tiers of countries and unfortunately, Lebanon is not on the list, like many other “Third World Countries.” As much as I hate using this term, but here is another example of hypocritical inclusion and diversity that all these platforms boast about.

I understand that in some countries payment options are limited or not accessible by Medium, but what’s the harm if you had a good friend who could get the money on their account instead, or even better, incorporating PayPal as a payment option which makes it a lot easier. Anyway, now what?

I will continue to write. Why?

The last time I have written something was in 2018, when I finished my MA and you know what pushed me to write again? This Partner Program and the thought this would be another source of income and I could read many great posts that I wouldn’t find elsewhere.

I will continue to write, because thanks to Medium, I am writing again. I am glad I found a space where I could share my thoughts without the pain of having necessarily to deal with publications to get other people to read my pieces.

I will continue to write because I have read more than a hundred great posts in the past few days and came across writers of who I quickly became a fan like Burk and Jessica Bianchi.

I will continue to write because knowing that your followers are looking forward to reading your posts is in itself a motivation to commit to writing.

I am certain that many writers share my disappointment and question whether they should continue putting effort into creating content that they will not be rewarded for.

If you were able to find your voice here, continue to write, regardless. The satisfaction you get as a writer when your posts are being appreciated and engaged with is a reward enough for you to continue sharing your posts.

It’s okay to quit Medium, but do not quit writing, please.

Claps, comments, and follows are welcome :) Don’t be shy!

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Lina Kassem

Social Media Specialist, social entrepreneur and inline skater. #GirlsOnWheels #Sapphics_in_Munich #Diversity&Inclusion #SMM